Thursday, October 24, 2019

Benefits of Numerology in Business | Shri Astrologer

Studying astrology has been in close collaboration with numerology since archaic times. Numerology examines numbers, their combinations, and their interaction with human life. From birth to death, people number every time and everywhere. The statement "The universe is based on the power of numbers" is far from the truth.

Business numerology also serves as a guide to the key numbers selected for the property. Better success can be achieved with the right key. Numerology is quickly gaining a reputation as a valuable tool in helping people accomplish their personal and professional journeys throughout their lives. The business name and diagrams clearly define the success and failure of a business; choose the best registration and opening dates, and help recruit staff to discover what is expected of the employee and how they will work. In a team and what results they are capable of. Numerology gives you the opportunity to make decisions about your career or business, keeping in mind awareness, commitment, and accuracy. As mentioned above, numerology can help you determine the best timing: starting a business or product, starting a business union, closing a business, buying or moving real estate, etc. Nowadays, business numerology is respected as a "navigation" tool that shows business direction. Numerology can be compared to a weather forecast, which gives you an overview of the short and long term prospects of your activities. It also highlights key issues in times of major change and crisis management. Another extremely useful tool in numerology is to detect and forecast business trends. Each month's representation of success is followed by day and year and lies in the numerical interpretation of the appropriate time segment. Business trends are as predictable as the seasons. Such predictions are made using correlation statistical methods that provide high accuracy. Plot current business trends in the chart; listen to your basic instincts to guide your success. Feel free to unleash your natural talents and innate abilities to make your personal and business life a success.
Get the best numerologist in Mumbai for a better experience in your business.

Benefits of Numerology | Shri Astrologer

The art of numerology is based on the personality, inner nature and vibration of numbers, and how to better understand yourself and the world around you. You probably never thought of numbers as personalities, but if you make them a little, you realize that most of us serve as a preference for certain numbers over others. You make these decisions by feeling an intuitive attraction to the nature or personality of a particular song or number.

Numerology is primarily a self-help tool. It is a way of obtaining a greater understanding and understanding of your inner being and your true nature. Reveal aspects of your character and personality in a fresh and inspiring way. It gives you a new point of view from which to look at yourself; one with greater distance and perspective than many other self-help systems. Self-knowledge is the key to success and freedom. Having a greater understanding of your strengths and weaknesses will help you in all aspects of life.
Numerology provides an insight into the various cycles, opportunities, and challenges you have already faced or have yet to experience. In this respect, numerology alone gives you a greater perspective on life; will help you prepare for the future. This allows you to nurture your strength and overcome your weakness.
Numerology is a language that makes it possible to expand the horizons of spiritual awareness. This opens the door to a psyche that he could not exist.

In fact, this is the case in all languages. Before they were words, there were only the simplest and most basic thoughts, most of which were limited to survival. However, language has created more complex relationships, more opportunities and much more creativity.
Take the word relativity. This word means that there are other things in the universe besides absolute values. The word also means what is true of you, probably not true of someone. Before Albert Einstein introduced the concept of relativity, the world was driven by the belief in absolutes - which things were as they seemed, not just to you, but to everyone. But with the emergence of the concept of relativity and the far-reaching concepts attached to Einstein, humanity is now awakened to new ideas, opportunities and relationships that have shaped our lives. We broadened our intellectual horizons by introducing a word that symbolized a large and complex meaning.

The same extension occurs when the language of numbers is introduced. Suddenly, the universe seems much larger and more complex, yet easier to grasp. Now you can think of things that were previously impossible to consider.
The beauty of using numbers and human qualities is that they are naturally and intrinsically linked. There is nothing arbitrary about associating number 1 with originality or ingenuity, because number 1, regardless of the language used in the number, means the beginning, the origin, the first, the birth. 
  • Numerology is used as a practical way to understand your own deeper nature
  • your talents and life goals
  • hidden properties
  • opportunities and challenges 

Get the best numerologist in Delhi, It gives you an insight into the opportunities that you have in the years to come. It describes life cycles and provides guidance on career, romance, and well-being. More specifically, numerology helps to provide meaningful advice in all types of situations.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Numerology |

Numerology examines in detail how numbers affect people. Analyze the relationship between your name and date of birth and open up a lot of information about you that you didn't already know! So know about this vital science and it will be extremely useful.

Here are some major reasons why numerology is important.

1. Know about yourself
Numerology can explain why you make certain decisions and help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Improve your connections. Numerology analyzes what is the belief in a relationship, for example, you have too many owners? Also, discover what your close friends and friends need to stay in touch. It helps to build positive and strong relationships by providing an overview of what stakeholders expect from each other.

2. Leap Your Hurdles and clicks Into Your Opportunities
There are times when you have a whole mess. At other times, things are favorable. The Numerology Lifestyle Number tells you when there are opportunities for your door and when you may face challenges. This vital piece of information helps you to be prepared in advance and suitably address the situations.

3. Know Your Specialty and Carve Yourself according to your niche
Your birthday number is analyzed as a whole number and is not reduced to one digit. This gives you information about special strengths you have brought into the world. It tells you your specialty. With this information, you can carve a niche for yourself.

4. Align yourself with the lesson of life
Karmic debt shows the energy of life lessons that you must learn in this birth. Karmic deficit numbers are 4, 5, 7, 13, 14, 16 and 19. Know your karmic debt and align yourself with the lessons that should be learned in your life cycle and be a better person.

5. Walk the tightrope of life and find the balance in life
The balance we all need is. Sometimes we are out of this and getting into trouble. How to focus your emotional window, your anger, frustration, and passion exposed to balance parts in your numeric chart. Through this, you can take your answers to life that you spend to better control and stay safe.

6. Know What Your Expression Number Says about you
Get your name by putting up all the numbers in your name. This number is the cornerstone of who you and your skills and abilities are.

If you want to numerology services with a numerologist Hyderabad

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Vastu consultant in Pune | Shri Astrologer

It has been proven that the purpose, structure, and structure of the worker and his place of residence have a definite influence on his mental and physical condition. Positive or negative vibrations in these structures affect rest, proper functioning, and ultimately affect health, general well-being, and well-being.
The positive energies and vibrations flowing into your home and workplace fill your mind and body, are relatively relaxed, work efficiently and effectively, leading to happiness, success and good health.
Vastushastra has gained great popularity due to its effectiveness and we have experienced positive growth and satisfaction with all our customers.
If you incorporate Vastu Shastra's principles today, you will sow the seeds for a better tomorrow.
For Industrialists and Businessmen

• Experience success, prosperity, and growth.
• Improve income and profitability.
• Strong revenue growth and financial stability.
• Promotes better coordination with employees and management.
• Minimize machine breakdown.
• Greater performance (production).
• Grow your business and profession.
• Promote faster movement of inventory and goods.
• It helps you gain a customer base and reputation.

 For Professionals – Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, Consultants, etc.

• Help you gain more customer base and reputation.
• Help publish tips, suggestions, and quality reports.
• It provides world-class advice and information.
• Create customer satisfaction.
• Promote a faster collection of fees.
• Achieve financial stability.
• Experience success, prosperity, and growth.

For House-holds
• Experience more peace of mind.
• Improves coordination with family members.
• The door opens to success and prosperity.
• It helps to improve health and well-being.
• increase the flow of funds and stabilize finances.
• It helps you focus on studies.
• Help your children get married early.
• Improves the relationship between the couple.

For Govt. Service and Private Jobs
• Experience your satisfaction.
• Enjoy your resume and job profile.
• Promote better team spirit and better coordination.
• Maintains peace of mind.
• Achieve financial stability.
• The door opens to success and prosperity.
For Students
• It helps you focus on studies.
• Achieving better results and better scientific results.
• Empowers students to focus more on higher future goals.

Vastu has many different aspects that work to beautify the home get the best Vastu consultancy with Vastu expert in Pune.

Vastu Expert In Mumbai | Shri Astrologer

Vastu Shastra is the science of ancient Vedic times in India, under whose authority you can build buildings on a particular land. For some people, these principles are still relevant today. According to his belief, the science of "Vastu Shastra" controls the gravitational forces and the magnetic force of the earth.

The major beliefs of Vastu Shastra are as follows:

·       • The presence of roads on the north or east side of the house improves the health and development of the members of the house. When a house is on both sides of the road, its residents suffer from stress and stress-related problems.

·       • When laying the foundation, be sure to start from the east, the north, then to the west and finally to the southwest.

·       • The land at the end of the road is not good for the population.

·       • It is good to have the main door in the east, north and northeast corner of the house. In the southwest corner, a house with the main door provides less peace and a constantly tense atmosphere.

·       • A house with a huge entrance causes many inconveniences and its residents suffer from health problems.

·       • There is no door in the southwest corner or southwest corner of the house. It is better for the doors to look north or east. The doors must be open inside and out. When the door opens from the inside, it means inviting popular forces and positive energy. However, a door that opens from the outside would have a negative effect on positive energy, in fact, it would consume good energy.

·       • The housing wall must be soft and relaxing, as it provides a tension-free atmosphere. Intense yellow, red or orange walls irritate the passengers.

·       • All appliances or water-related resources in the house should be located northeast. This ensures prosperity.

·       • Never have a well or pipe at the southeast end of the house. A well or tube in the middle of the house brings you good luck.

·       • The presence of Tulsi, Banana, Champa, Ashoka, and Aawla plants outside the house is healthy, happy and peaceful. Vastu works in many different ways to beautify the house. Get the best Vastu consultancy with the best Vastu expert in Mumbai.

Vastu consultant in Noida | Shri Astrologer

Vastu does not promise a utopia that has no pain in the loss. What can you offer if you have a series of obvious parts that provide sun and comfort in times of trouble, well-being in trouble, satisfaction in the midst of pain?
Vastu in its constructed form is a way of creating a rhythmic interior that gives it the power it needs to act in the outside world, despite the pains and problems of life.
Designed with the principles of Vaastu and the Ayadi numerical calculations (which buy more and consume less energy), the building affects people in three ways: physical, psychological/emotional and spiritual.
It provides physical comfort, ease of use, comfort considering location, high, ventilation, good traffic, amenities, color, shape.

It creates well-being, relieves tension, strengthens relationships internally and externally.

It awakens the desire to understand the meaning of life and death, and draws attention to something deeper, inside and out. By ensuring that three aspects of human life are touched, triggered, activated and harmonized, the entire universe of spirit is opened and created. Vaastu's power is total or holistic.
Vaastu architectural design enables to enjoy the following:
1. Mental clarity and creative thinking.
2. Ability to solve problems and power to make the right decision
3. Happiness and healthier thinking.
4. Mental vigilance and renewed feeling throughout the day.
5. Relaxed and refreshing sleep.
6. full of energy and less tired
7. Peace and tranquility.
Human the body consists of five elements
Earth, water, fire, air, space, and nature also consist of these five elements.
This knowledge aligns the five elements of our bodies with the five elements of nature, together with the forces of nature. Take advantage of nature and the environment in our daily activities and enjoy a comfortable and safe life or work.
Therefore, this knowledge is very useful and profitable for us and helps us in our daily activities.
Each job has its own nature and qualities, and such knowledge will show you the right direction for the job you want, where and how to build a room, exterior structure, and interior design to the nature of the job to accomplish your task. Work without problems and hands.
This knowledge should inform us of the nature and operation of the addresses and the work we do in one direction. Vastu Knowledge advises which type of work is better, in which direction, in what average and in which direction, and in which direction the work in question is prohibited.
Vaastushastra tells us about problems in human life, such as physical problems, mental suffering, business problems, and other routines problems due to nature and the environment, and through the corrective knowledge of Vastu, also suggests such problems, which has clearly demonstrated. that the knowledge of Vastu is very useful. And profitable for human life, get Vastu consultant in Noida, India. By this knowledge you can get maximum benefits from nature and the environment as well as we live or works with safety and convenience.

Vastu consultant in Kolkata | Shri Astrologer

Vastu Shastra is a traditional Hindu building system that is literally "architectural science." In fact, people around the world have begun to understand the importance of this system in providing a perfectly balanced home, a home that invites positive energies and helps avoid negative energies.

Provide a healthy, happy and positive environment for you and your family, and to buy a house, here are the following Vastu benefits:

• Make sure that the entrance of the house is oriented to the north or northeast, since sunlight is ideal for entering the house. The house should have a good amount of natural light.
• The house must have a very good ventilation system. Therefore, it is ideal for a north or east-facing balcony.
• The rooms in the house that meet the great demands must be south, southwest or west. Any other direction can cause problems such as insomnia, anxiety and anger.
• It is said that the kitchen is controlled by the element "Aagneya" or fire and, as such, should be located in the southeast corner of the house.
• The bathrooms in the house should be located in the south or southwest corner of the house to ensure adequate ventilation and an infection-free environment.
• It is not advisable to run a ladder in the middle of the house as this would not only prevent incoming sunlight but also make the house look congested.
• The living room should be ideally located in the center of the house so that natural light enters and provides a positive environment.
• Vastu Shastra can also improve people's knowledge and interest in spirituality. It can help people to look for something deeper, in life, in death, etc. Recognize. These are the three pillars you should trust when you try to discover what your inner being is.

You can also use Vastu for a better life with the personal ones around you. Contra promotes peace and inner calm and can also promote the cooperative relationship between the inhabitants that live within the structure. Against evoking the five elements and proportional and clean and messy living space, you can also greatly improve your mental abilities. A bright and disorder-free house is and signs of an enlightened mind. It can promote happiness and the health of the mind. You can also increase awareness of the mind and quarantine if you feel alert throughout the day. The proper implementation of Vastu in the building maintains is the energy prize of the inhabitants of the entire prize. Shri Astrologer can help with the ideas and concepts of one of the best Vastu consultant in Kolkata.